About Suwa Taisha
Kamisha and Shimosha,
located to the north and south of
Lake Suwa respectively.
The Four
Kamisha and Shimosha,
located to the north and south of
Lake Suwa respectively.
Conferred goods
Kamisha and Shimosha,
located to the north and south of
Lake Suwa respectively.
Main ritual
Kamisha and Shimosha,
located to the north and south of
Lake Suwa respectively.

The Officese of Suwa Taisha
Kamisha Honmiya
1 Miyayama, Nakasu, Suwa-shi, Nagano Prefecture 392-0015
Phone: 0266-52-1919 Fax: 0266-52-3383
Shimosha Akimiya
5828 Shimosuwa-machi, Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture 393-0052
Phone: 0266-27-8035 Fax: 0266-28-7441